
Technical Skills

Work Experience

Data Engineer Intern, Intel Corp.

Oct 2022 – Current

  • Partners with Information Security Analysts and Software Developers to help configure, manage, secure and integrate data platforms and applications to support Intel’s business needs.
  • Enables application development and data integration/management as a member of a highly collaborative Agile DevOps delivery team.

Research Intern, Hippo T&C

July 2022 – Current

  • Cleans and analyzes over 250 individuals’ fNIRS time-series neuroimage data to study how depression patients’ brains react to everyday tasks, as well as develop digital therapeutics, in partnership with Samsung Medical Center.
  • Builds linear ML models to cluster fNIRS images into depression and control group – collaborating with researchers with medical education background while contributing computer and statistics expertise to the research group.

Software Engineer, Homehub

Jun 2021 – Mar 2022

  • Initiated and led a Python API development project from scratch – enabled automatic email notifications to be sent between customers and developers; thereby allowed developers to stay alert to frontend and backend errors.
  • Leveraged Boto3 and CRON to automatically back up AWS EC2 database to S3 for a startup company.
  • Create and review design documents and unit tests in meetings with designers, engineers, and data scientists.

Data Science Intern, CUNA Mutual Group

Jun 2021 – Aug 2021

  • Worked with SQL, Azure Snowflake, and R to join and process data tables of over 70 million consumers.
  • Trained and calibrated XGBoost machine learning models on financial and business data; identified potential customers and their expected lifetime contribution to the company’s revenue.
  • Eliminated 87.5% of manual labor by identifying ineffective ML input variables – performed Logistic Regression and built and scored models using model metrics such as AUC scores and Enrichment Factors.
  • Uncovered and presented areas of need to over 20 business stakeholders, which led to further investigations.

Lab Research Intern, Qualcomm Institute

Nov 2020 – Mar 2021

  • Organized data for a research paper that proposes a novel highway physics formula – collaborated with a research scientist and data scientists to discuss how data science can help add veracity to the research paper.
  • Prepared data for Artificial Neural Network by cleaning traffic signals from over 39,000 detectors on highways – picked up applicable traffic domain expertise within weeks, ensuring data integrity.

Data Data Visualizer, Guardian at UCSD

Oct 2019 – Jun 2020

  • Communicated with editors and other data visualizers to generate visualizations for campus and international articles.
  • Employed Python, RegEx, and Tableau to process, analyze, and visualize structured and unstructured data.
  • Analyzed 250+ text responses via RegEx to identify where students experience internet connection issues on campus.


Data Science Tutor, UCSD

Oct 2021 – Mar 2022

  • Guided 150+ students and explained concepts of graph theory, continuous/ discrete algorithms, and data structures in weekly office hours.
  • Assisted the professor with creating and grading weekly assignment questions, maintaining course website, and facilitating exams.
  • Interacted with students from 10+ different countries; developed listening-centric communication skills that encourage students to independently acquire knowledge.