Flight Delay Visualization

Flight Delays at San Diego International Airport

This project showcases data visualization of flights leaving the San Diego International Airport in 2021.
For the ease of interpretability of the visualizations, only data from certain airlines have been chosen.

Relationship Between Types of Delay and Airlines

This visualization shows the percentage of delayed flights each cause of delay is responsible for.
For instance, around 0.20% of delayed flights for Alaskan Airlines is caused by weather issues.

Main Cause of Delay for Airlines

This visualization shows at what time of the week flights are delayed the most.

Percentage of Delayed Flight per State

This is a choropleth that shows the percentage of delayed flights for each arrival state.
For instance, flights headed to Idaho are delayed the most.

Percentage of Delayed Flight per State

This is a force-link diagram that shows the percentage of delayed flights for each arrival state.
The red node indicates the origin airport, San Diego, and the green nodes represent the country each flight is headed to.
The blue nodes mark the destination states the flights fly to. Each of the blue node is connected to the country it is located in.
The size of each of the blue nodes indicates the percentage of times for which flights to that state was delayed.
Please refer to the legend to get an idea of how to interpret the sizes of the blue nodes.

Relationship Between Delay Time and Travel Distance

This visualization shows that, as the flight distance increases, the minutes of delay increases.
Flights with over 180 minutes of delay were removed from the dataset to improve interpretability of the graph.